Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post #104: The Belated Thanksgiving Post

So...the Thanksgiving Post...huh...what to say...

Well, it's true I have much to be Thankful for.  From Turkey Day to Turkey Day this has been a wild year.  I have had some love, and lost some love, even some restraining orders lifted.  I've grown closer to the family, with the help of the computer (I'm not just the relative people talk about while shaking their heads anymore they can type it.  Thanks Facebook!)

I am thankful for great friends...and how many new friends I've made this year.  Also, how little they know about my past...
I'm thankful for my Blazers, who alone help to put food on the tables of so many....doctors and surgeons...
 I'm also thankful for everything I've learned this year...
Also, I am thankful for this past wedding season...great memories, ladies...
I have great thanks for the Mayans, as without their calendar, I couldn't live my life like there's only 13 months left...and we all know how it's going to end...thanks Justin...
Basically, I'm thankful for people who "get the joke," and realize when I kid about being a peeping Tom, or unknowingly dating a man, I'm just kidding....I think...
And thanks to a world that lets me post this picture, Portland...


  1. you are so freaking funny . great posting again

  2. Sammy looks like he's gained a few pounds. And it's too bad you and Pee Wee don't hang out anymore, you used to LOVE going to the movies with him!!
