Thursday, December 30, 2010

Resolution #8 of 10 Ghosts, aliens, yeti....Gonna see something amazing

Resolution #8 To see something freakin amazing.....Like a ghost.....seriously this year is the year this happens. How? allow me to explain........

Lets start with ghosts.......Personally I don't believe......Now I'm not ruling out the possibility......but the idea that when people die their spirit floats around in this limbo world.......and in this other realm they have these "other dimensional" powers but........ they choose to spend their time banging cupboards and blowing breezes on the 13th steps of stairs??? Really? if I could float around and move better believe you might find me at Dick Cheney's messing with him.....or maybe at the Playboy mansion or checking out what really goes on at Area 51....speaking of aliens.....

.....If you know me or read these will know....I believe!!!!!!! And I believe our government knows.... and is covering up the knowledge of little green men....And no... I don't go to Star Trek conventions......or even Alf conventions.....though maybe I would........but lets not get started on that......... Are they already here? Yes! Are they probing us? Do you think they would fly zillions of miles just to "test" us in our most delicate areas? Really?........ well..... thinking about it....maybe......They could be just freaky space deviants.... banished from their home world like the plot line of some bad 50's B movie..... just to fly around the galaxy looking for some morally loose civilization. Kinda makes sense they would like Earth........add in the fact that I have never heard of an abduction is Amish country....makes it seem more a prediction I expect to hear of lots of Hollywood abductions soon..... living in Portland I won't have much of a chance to hit the open sea.....however rumor has it that they occasionally get stuck going up those fish might be a good place to start

Leprechauns...........sitting with the pot of gold....well seeing as how we won't see any sun for awhile....that hunt is on hold in the of the best possible chances to see an amazing creature. Hmm but how? Obviously go deep in the woods and look for big footprints...specifically catch a scent of something kinda "ripe" and then look for a hairy creature stumbling around.....Actually.... sounds like dating in France....... mental note....hire a French tracker.......

Discover a new Bermuda triangle here in Oregon .....and see what happens when you pass through it......My guess is you would be transported back a few years to a hazy place where lots of lost vehicles are.......specifically VW vans......... and ......... everyone is playing music cause everyone is in a band......and nobody really has a job....wait a second I'm just in Eugene.... never mind

or see a Vampire- Um ....they dont exist and if they do.......according to recent films they just want to date you I'm not interested

So many amazing creatures and things.......I am gonna see one for sure.....Gonna get the first photo of a snipe, or see a double rainbow, or maybe travel to Salt Lake City and stumble upon the first ever Vasectomy clinic many possibilities.....Or  maybe I will see a meteor crash down before me.....and then.....well......guess thats it.........then its just a rock in the ground..........but what if it landed on a unicorn......That would be freakin amazing!!!!!!!

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