Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Top 10 most erotic mens body parts....you know to the ladies

So fellas this list was compiled after months and months of intense research..... from telemarketer surveys to psychic readings to throwing darts at pictures of body parts. (also like 9 out of 10 dentists agreed on it as well) So finally we definitively know what parts of the male body drive the ladies wild! .....Here we go......By the way ladies, you cant take offense to this list,  its scientific, 100 % true and not debatable.....but remember im just the messenger....

10. The arms.......every lady loves a strong set of arms. In a woman's mind, a day may come where their man might have to wrestle a bear to defend her....city girls less often.... but the bears are learning...and with zoo budget cuts....my sources say they are "testing" the gates.

9. The hands.....now most of you may believe this is due to the whole size of the hands/ size of the "situation" thing......not so this study finds...Women want sexy hands that look the perfect size for cleaning gutters and moving the couch, then moving the couch a little more to the left....then back a little...then basically accept blame for poor placement of the couch.

8.  The buldge.....you know, that spot on a mans back side usually just above the right cheek.....about where the pocket is......scientists still studying exactly why?

7. Eyes....its true.... ladies are down with a mans sexy eyes....thats why personally I always flaunt them by winking at my girl when I'm watching the game and ready for another beer... or when I leave her with the kids to go golf...or if I randomly join her and her friends in the hot tub....to be honest....very mixed results.....

6. The part of the leg behind the knee.....this one sucks....good luck flaunting this without looking stupid

5. The hair...now obviously ladies prefer some nice hair on a mans head...but this study is about the erotic and its now official.... Chest hair, back hair, and monobrow hair gaining in hair do-ability...especially to Greek women. In a related study, women with daddy issues love men with grey hair....and spankings....study found. Hey...its science.....

4. The ears....very erotic.....mainly when they are finally listening to the ladies needs.... like get a job, get off the couch, or rub my feet you ass.....things like that.

3.The lips....girls like to make out...duh.....I told you this is a real study...also most women find lips erotic when closed.... during times, and I quote "you think your so funny but your really not."

2. The chest....women like a nice chest...this study has found the bigger the better....wearing something low cut and naughty and clinging to them just right...maybe they've got a short skirt on...Oh  and boots!!....wait I believe this made it on to the wrong top 10 list....um disregard

1. And finally the fingers.....very erotic to the gals.... watching their jackass ex sign the papers....or the alimony check.. or maybe with their new man.....  when hes squishing a spider for em or handing the remote control over begrudgingly....... or when he finally puts on that metal ring of ownership.....er..... beautiful wedding band....ah the love........ and then maybe..... hopefully for me......typing!.... 

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