Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The worst accidents I could find on the internet

All right this week I decided to do a little digging around for some of the worst accidents I could find. We all have probably been in an accident before.... where you get that rush of adrenaline, maybe you throw your arm out to save your passenger and then you quickly tell the car salesman its not the car for you. In truth he probably shouldn't have let you test the Bentley but whatever... It can be a scary time.... so I thought I would find a few crashes that might make you feel a little better about your last fender bender. Here we go.

Wow some classics...... but what about the reasons behind these crashes. What distracted our drivers. I thought long and hard..... and.....well.....  here's a few very possible causes.

Obviously distracting

Like I always say... run faster family crossing the street. You better run faster. I'm not slowing down.
Classic Saturday Night Live.... but did cause a lot of accidents.

Very distracting personalized plate.... actually whats going on in the car ... much more distracting.

Not as often an accident cause in Southern Cal.... down there its more the Botox truck spilling product. (Not quite as dangerous)

Um..................! This is funny!!
You should see her try to look over her shoulder.

Seriously texting while on a motorcycle. That guys crazy badass!!... sorry correction.. was!!

This would distract me.... but don't let safety prevent you from expressing yourselves ladies!

Hilarious and real. Emily you are rad wherever you are! and Steven three words buddy. Separate bank accounts.

Ah I am really enjoying this post. Now....remember everybody, accidents can and do come in all shapes and sizes..... not just on the road.....and as you can see there are many quality reasons. That said let me leave you with  a couple other, slightly accident related,  photos I found online.....

Dude...this is my nightmare. I somehow blame carnies.

and this is my driving next to a big truck around a corner nightmare.

No nightmare here. Just another day at the office for the General Lee. 

Ah winter golf in Oregon. How I love you.

I think the wife did it. She just wanted the pool boy to come out more than once that week. 

And finally people have accidents too. 

But I'm pretty sure I know who was behind this one. You were so close Cheney.... you were so close to the Presidency. Rigging a Segway .... genius.

Anyways thanks for reading. Gotta go this is getting hard to write while driving. Blog ya all later. Oh heres one more photo.

Clever way to force a remodel ladies.... just sayin!!

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