Friday, May 25, 2012

#13 of 14 The Cake Post

Here we go with my personal #13th favorite post.... 

A post absolutely hated by the gluten-intolerant!
And people who "fear desserts" for some strange reason?

Ready for it?
Here it is...

The Cake Post

Alright..... today's topic is simple.
Its cake....
I enjoy cake...... 
You probably enjoy cake...
Who doesn't? 

Even celebrities enjoy a tasty little slice from time to time... 

For example Mr T loves cake so much.... 

That he had one made of his head!?

And speaking of HEADS and cake...
Take fading celebrity Val Kilmer....
He loves cake so much......

...he is literally storing cake IN his face!!!
...kinda like a squirrel does with its nuts!!

And don't even get me started on Steven Segal....

...cause he is storing crazy amounts
 of cake in his face these days....

Probably even bacon covered cake!!



Have nothing bad to say about it..

I just kinda wanna try?


But enough about fat celebrity faces and cake....
That's not the point today
Lets get back to the cake itself...... 
Cause I found some "amazing cakes" to share with you...

So go grab a big glass of milk...
 Or whiskey and pills (whatever helps you read this blog)
 And cut off a big piece of Pillsbury deliciousness..... 

Cause its time to check out all the cakes I found out there on the internet.

Lets start with this one. 

Now obviously cakes mark special life moments.... 
This is probably one moment too many....

Dont worry...
 Im told he had a C-section cake ready also!

And some cakes celebrate PEOPLE.... 
or more specifically... 
their BODY PARTS...

Like the butt cake.

Which is good...
but 9 outta 10 "playa's" prefer the... 

BOOTY cake... 
....which just makes sense!

Speaking of body parts and cake....
Well....sometimes cake should celebrate "the whole body"!

Like this "funeral cake"!!!
And actually.....I LOVE this idea. 
In fact when my time comes..... 
I guarantee I will have this at my funeral. 
Nothing would make me happier in the afterlife....
 than knowing ALL of me was being enjoyed.

moving on....

Now in truth.... 
there are cakes for almost every reason.  
Birthdays, weddings, retirement.... 
All nice things ........ 
But what about some  "other unique cake reasons"?

Like maybe firing someone?

This would totally work!!
Just sayin!!

Or sharing company policy... but via cake....

Like this sexual harassment cake!
Which is delicious... and informative! 

What else....
Oh ya...
This rarely seen classic..... you must be so proud!

And then this one... which I proudly call....
The "congratulations your life took a morally loose turn cake"!

Side note- that cake frequently leads to this next cake....

Which may be the cake that stays with you the longest?!

Wow right?
Well..... not all cakes are bad or weird...
 Some cakes are just perfect the way they are...

Like Pac Man cake.... which I love!

Or Tom Selleck cake... which is awesome and tasty... 
but I could do without the "mustache filling"...

And this Star Wars cake....
Which is brilliant!

And crazy wedding "groom cakes"....
 Like this one that this bride had made for her nerd husband!!

Which was great...
Oh wait!!!
This just in... 
Sadly it didn't work out for the happy couple.. 

It got ugly I'm told.... 

And she left him...... 
Yep... she left him this cake. 

Poor guy!!!

He wasn't happy about this at all.... 
So he sent her back a message of his own... with this cake.

Not the sister!!! 
Yep he went there!!

SO she responded with another cake...

Oh no!!!
Not the mom!!!

Well their story...
Continued down a dark path... 
But before I can find their next cake...
The "Restraining order cake"... 
Let's move on...
Lets get back to some happier cakes... 
Shall we??

Like "Gay cake"...
which is awesome and super happy!!!
And "Fish cake"... which is awesome.... and... 
....actually.... wait!!
Often times this cake is left out too long...
And leads to this cake....
The "Vomit Apology cake"!!
That one sucks!!

Anyways let me finish this post up...
With the 6 worst cakes I could find.

#6 The "Set Your Face On Fire" cake...

#5 The "Dominatrix Cake"...... 
Which I'm told is hard to eat with a ball in your mouth?

#4 The Animal Cake...
Which is perfect to bring over to your vegan friends dinner party...
Man will they will hate it!!  
Here's a tip...
Save them the face...
#3 The Rat Cake...   
all hairy... 
and disease riddled.... 
and delicious?
#2 The Stripper Cake.... 
all hairy... 
and disease riddled....
and delicious? 

Which leaves us with the worst cake ever...
Its this "surprise cake"...
The one that you just never wanna receive...

#1 The "Your Gonna Die Soon" cake......
Hard to argue with that one!!

And that's it for today...
May all your cakes be forever moist..... 
blog ya'll later


  1. I'm only going to eat pie from now on.

  2. I just laughed soooooooooo hard!

  3. LOL don't remember this one, Seagal and Kilmer sure did stuff it in.

  4. I would love to munch onto Tom Selleck
    oh arrrhhh

  5. I can't decide. I must own all the cake. ALL THE CAKE.

  6. There really needs to be a rule about showing food on blogs! Now I'm dying for some cake! Sort of surprising considering the cakes you showed us here... but hey, I'm weird that way. The mom delivering the baby was the most awesome by far lol

  7. I wouldn't know where to start, Steve! Booty cake, Rat cake, Sorry-I-slept-with-your-Mom cake.... it all looks so um yummie!

    Except for the bacon covered cake. That's where I draw the line.

  8. lol I'm getting that Push Olivia Push cake for the wife!
